NVIDIA's Omniverse and Accelerated Computing at Taipei Computex 2024

TapTechNews, Jun 2. In the ongoing keynote speech of Huang Renxun in Taipei Computex 2024, Huang Renxun first introduced its Omniverse "metaverse" platform and stated that the key to the development of the relevant platform lies in the development of "accelerated computing" and "artificial intelligence".

 NVIDIAs Omniverse and Accelerated Computing at Taipei Computex 2024_0

In terms of accelerated computing, Huang Renxun believes that a new era of computing has begun, and the computing power required by people is continuously increasing, but the efficiency of CPU expansion cannot keep up. Currently, various chips in the industry that combine CPU and GPU can actually achieve much faster computing, claiming that "the more you buy, the more you save".

 NVIDIAs Omniverse and Accelerated Computing at Taipei Computex 2024_1

 NVIDIAs Omniverse and Accelerated Computing at Taipei Computex 2024_2

TapTechNews noticed that NVIDIA also introduced the "NVIDIA CUDA Libraries", which is claimed to simulate the computing mode of a quantum computer, and it is believed that the relevant CUDA technology can achieve a "virtuous circle" and has strong ecological capabilities:

If there is no platform used by developers, there won't be any users. If there are no users, developers won't be interested, so we must have enough applications, so that more people can use it, and developers will develop new applications.

2024 Taipei International Computer Show special topic
