Hongmeng Zhixing Xiangjie Automobile Responds to Blogger's Evaluation of Vehicle's Steering Issue

TapTechNews August 25th news, today the official of Hongmeng Zhixing Xiangjie Automobile released a statement in response to the conclusion of the blogger's evaluation that the Xiangjie S9 vehicle could not maintain a straight line and the whole vehicle leaned to one side after the flying slope: The conclusion is not objective, not rigorous, and misleading to consumers.

TapTechNews attached the key contents of the Xiangjie Automobile statement as follows:

According to the data of the national monitoring platform and combined with the video screen analysis, this test (evaluation video 29:14-29:19) occurred at about 12:42 on August 16, 2024, and the vehicle speed was 63 kilometers per hour. Before the wheels took off the ground, the accelerator opening was 28.8%, the steering wheel turned 23 degrees to the right, and a 1.96 Nm torque in the same direction was detected; then, the steering wheel turned to the left and returned to normal.

If the vehicle causes the steering wheel to turn due to its own reasons, the direction of the steering wheel turning should be opposite to the direction of the detected torque. In this test, the driver actively intervened, artificially turned the steering wheel to the right, and then corrected to the left, resulting in the vehicle's yaw. Multiple retests under the same conditions, and the Xiangjie S9 can maintain a straight line when the driver does not actively intervene in the steering wheel.

In addition, the official of Xiangjie Automobile plans to open a professional test site and invites relevant parties to go to the site to participate in the actual measurement.

Hongmeng Zhixing Xiangjie Automobile Responds to Blogger's Evaluation of Vehicle's Steering Issue_0

TapTechNews found out that the blogger @Yuan Qicong released the evaluation video Xiangjie S9, a bit disappointed on August 20th. In this video, the blogger showed that the Xiangjie S9 experienced bumpy steering during the flying slope on the bridge and said he was disappointed with the car. After that, the evaluation video gradually gained popularity on the Internet platform and finally triggered heated discussions.
