Zhejiang Humanoid Robot Innovation Center Releases

TapTechNews August 21st news, the official public account of Zhongkong Technology announced today that the Zhejiang Humanoid Robot Innovation Center, in which it is the single largest shareholder to invest in, has released the first humanoid robot with precise skill operation ability, Navigator 2 NAVIAI.

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The height and weight of Navigator 2 NAVIAI have increased from 1.5 meters and 50 kilograms of Navigator 1 to 1.65 meters and 60 kilograms respectively, with an AI computing power reaching 275 TOPS, that is, it has an operation ability of 275 trillion operations per second.

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NAVIAI has a single-arm load of 5 kilograms, and the load-to-self-weight ratio is >0.75, and the operation accuracy is ≤0.1mm. Among them, the multi-degree-of-freedom dexterous hand has 15 finger joints, 6 active degrees of freedom, a fingertip force of 10N, and a single-hand weight of 600g, and the joint speed is 150 degrees/second.

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Navigator 2 NAVIAI can also adapt to various grounds, achieve anthropomorphic whole-body coordinated movement, and the fastest speed is ≥6 km/h, and support operation abilities such as item handling, item grasping and releasing, and servo socket insertion, and can continuously operate for 2 hours.

In terms of technology, in addition to the conventional use of large models for human-computer interaction and behavior planning, Navigator 2 NAVIAI has broken through three key technologies of data generation, behavior decision-making, and bottom control.

Specifically, it includes breaking through the large-scale scene three-dimensional high-fidelity construction and new data generation methods, the accurate behavior decision-making and long-sequence planning method of the robot in the cluttered open scene, and proposing a black-box-white-box fused embodied intelligent control strategy, etc., making its walking smooth as flowing water, and also being able to achieve efficient and high-precision manipulation under convenient deployment, such as efficient desktop organization in a cluttered stacked scene and generalizable sub-millimeter precision shaft-hole assembly, etc.

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