Xiaomi Cars' Sales and Delivery Update

According to the TapTechNews on June 13, the topic of "the continuous decline in the sales volume of Xiaomi cars" went on the hot search list on Weibo today, and Wang Hua, general manager of the public relations department of the Xiaomi Group, responded on Weibo.

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Wang Hua said that at present, the number of locked orders is increasing steadily every day. Due to the very limited number of national delivery centers at present, the delivery pressure is extremely great, and double-shift production has started in June. According to the current delivery data, he is confident that the monthly delivery will exceed 10,000 this month.

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TapTechNews previously reported that Lei Jun said at the 2024 Future Automobile Pioneer Conference that Xiaomi SU7 delivered 8,630 units in May, and double-shift production started in June, with a guaranteed monthly delivery of 10,000 units, and a minimum annual delivery of 100,000 units in 2024, strive for 120,000 units with all efforts.
