Google Announces 'AskPhotos' Assistant Service for Google Photos at 2024 I/O Developer Conference

TapTechNews May 15 news, Google announced at the 2024 I/O developer conference today that it will launch the 'AskPhotos' assistant service for Google Photos this summer, bringing a more intimate search experience.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai demonstrated on site, asking the Google Photos app: 'What is my license plate number?'

Previously, users needed to scroll through many different car photos to search for license plates. In the demo, Google Photos can locate the license plate number based on location, frequency of appearance in photos over the years, and other data, and provide the actual license plate number in text form, as well as a picture to verify it.

Pichai said that AskPhotos can also help you search memories more deeply. TapTechNews included his demonstration question: 'Show me Lucia's swimming progress', and then Google Photos will collect relevant photos covering the child's swimming progress over the years.

2024 Google I/O developer conference special report
