The Longest Tunnel of Xi'an-Yan'an High-Speed Railway Holed Through

TapTechNews August 10th news, today, the longest tunnel of the Xi'an-Yan'an High-Speed Railway (hereinafter referred to as Xi-Yan High-Speed Railway by TapTechNews) - the Yijun Tunnel with a total length of 17,509 meters has been successfully holed through. Currently, the total excavation amount of tunnels along the Xi-Yan High-Speed Railway has nearly reached 90%.

The Xi-Yan High-Speed Railway has a total length of approximately 300 kilometers and a designed speed of 350 kilometers per hour. It is the first high-speed railway in the old revolutionary base area in northern Shaanxi and an important part of the national high-speed railway network Baotou (Yinchuan)-Haikou high-speed railway corridor. It has a total length of 299.8 kilometers and is expected to be completed and opened to traffic by the end of December 2025.

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According to the official introduction, the Yijun Tunnel is mainly located in Yijun County, Tongchuan, Shaanxi, which belongs to the Loess Plateau region. It has a total length of 17,509 meters and is the longest single-hole double-track high-speed railway tunnel in Shaanxi so far, and also the longest single-hole double-track high-speed railway tunnel currently under construction in China. The maximum burial depth of the tunnel is 395 meters, and the proportion of surrounding rocks at grades four and five accounts for 68.5%.

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After the completion of the Xi-Yan High-Speed Railway, the travel time from Xi'an to Yan'an will be shortened from the current two and a half hours to about one hour, greatly facilitating the travel of people along the line.
