Huawei Set to Launch HarmonyOS NEXT Beta Test at Developer Conference 2024

At the spring communication conference of the Hongmeng ecosystem two months ago, Huawei officially announced that it will hold the Developer Conference 2024 from June 21 to June 23, when HarmonyOS NEXT, namely the Hongmeng Xinghe version, will officially launch the Beta test. Now the 2024 Huawei Developer Conference has entered the countdown stage, and the horn of the native Hongmeng's commercial sprint will also be officially blown.

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Data shows that since the debut of HarmonyOS 1.0 in 2019, HarmonyOS has gone through four major version iterations and has become one of the fastest-growing intelligent terminal operating systems in history. And the brand-new HarmonyOS NEXT, as the highly anticipated pure blood Hongmeng system, while leading industry innovation, is also attracting more and more partners and developers to join the Hongmeng ecosystem.

It is reported that in January this year, Huawei announced that the first batch of more than 200 application vendors are actively engaged in the development of native Hongmeng applications, including Alibaba's Alipay, Meituan, Weibo, Mihoyo, Bilibili, iQiyi, Gaode Map and other top applications. Only two months later, the number of native Hongmong applications being developed has soared to more than 4000, achieving an astonishing 20-fold increase. And currently, many vendors have completed the Beta version development, making rapid progress.

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Because of this, which applications will develop the Hongmeng version later and what innovative experiences will HarmonyOS NEXT bring have become a hot topic among netizens.

TapTechNews browsed the relevant news comments and found that many netizens expressed their anticipation to see more applications closely related to daily life in HarmonyOS NEXT; also some netizens expected to see more exciting applications in the fields of games and entertainment.

Since the Huawei Developer Conference has entered the countdown stage, then why not boldly envision which treasures of applications you most hope to see on board quickly? Let's talk about it! Maybe we will see it at this conference!
