Google to Enable sending text messages to 911 with RCS in Google Messages

TapTechNews June 7th news, Google announced yesterday that Google Messages will be able to send text messages to 911 using RCS, which can contact emergency personnel when unable to make a phone call, send high-resolution photos and videos, share precise locations, etc.

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TapTechNews Note: RCS (Rich Communication Suite), refers to the fusion of communication technologies (various services of traditional telecommunications networks, such as telephone services, short message services) and information technologies (various services of IP type, such as instant messaging).

Google said that in some emergency situations, it is not suitable to call the police, and sending text messages may be more practical. Google announced a cooperation with the emergency technology company RapidSOS, and starting from this winter, gradually introduce the function of sending text messages to 911 using RCS to American emergency call centers, and this function will start from areas where sending text messages to 911 is not currently supported.

Google stated the advantages that can be brought by sending alarm text messages using RCS as follows:

Confirm that the emergency request has been delivered, and see if the emergency responders are replying to the message

Send high-resolution images and videos, so that the emergency personnel can understand the specific situation more clearly

Share precise locations and other information through the Android Emergency Location Service to share precise locations and other information, so that the emergency rescue personnel can understand the exact location

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