Firefox 127 Update New Features and Enhancements

TapTechNews June 11th news, Mozilla has released the download link of the stable version 127 update of Firefox browser on its FTP server, mainly updating the screenshot tool, optimizing multiple about: pages, improving support for file types such as SVG, XML, etc., enhancing theme compatibility and accessibility, etc.

Firefox 127 Update New Features and Enhancements_0

Closing duplicate tabs

In the List All Tabs tab bar Widget and the tab bar right-click menu of Firefox 127 stable version, a new option of Closing Duplicate Tabs is added to help users close duplicate tabs.

Support for parsing HTTPS DNS records

Firefox 127 new version also supports the operating system DNS resolver to parse HTTPS DNS records on Windows 11 systems, Android 10 or above systems and supported Linux distributions.

Mozilla said:

We have completed the work of optimizing HTTPS documents and enabling DNS prefetching through the rel=dns-prefetch link hint. This standard allows web developers to specify the domain names for important assets that should be resolved preferentially.

Increasing compatibility

In order to further reduce user fingerprint information and improve website compatibility, Firefox 127 has introduced the function of reporting 32-bit x86 CPU architecture as x86_64 (64-bit) in the Firefox's User-Agent string in Linux systems as well as the navigator.platform and navigator.oscpu Web APIs.

New developer options:

For web developers, this version has added support for the new SetJavaScript method to create the union and intersection of two sets, and enabled the functions, which implements the paste right-click menu for users to confirm when trying to read the clipboard content of non-same-origin pages.

TapTechNews attached the official FTP server address, and users in need can click to download the Firefox 127 stable version.
