5G in China Five Years of Progress and Future Outlook

TapTechNews on June 7. On the fifth anniversary of the commercialization of 5G in China, the "Mobile Communication High-Quality Development Forum" jointly organized by the News Publicity Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Beijing Municipal Communications Administration, and the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology was held in Beijing.

This forum, with the theme of "Smart Linking the Future with Unlimited possibilities", systematically summarizes the phased achievements and experiences of China's 5G development, and deeply explores the evolutionary upgrade path and opportunities of mobile communication.

According to official introduction, since the commercialization of 5G in China for five years, a total of 3.748 million 5G base stations have been built, and the number of 5G mobile phone users has reached 889 million, with a user penetration rate exceeding 60%, building the world's largest 5G network. In these five years, China's 5G standard essential patent declarations account for more than 40% of the global total, becoming the first country in the world to build a 5G network on a large scale based on an independent networking model.

In addition, Cao Jibin, senior vice president of Huawei and president of the China region, also delivered a keynote speech titled "Joining Hands to Create a New Era of 5G-A and Embark on a New Journey" at the main forum.

In his opinion, AI intelligent assistants will change the human-computer interaction mode, break the user's time and space constraints, and bring massive and high-concurrency connection requirements.

Huawei is the first company to introduce AI into smart phones. In the next step, we will build Xiaoyi into a super assistant based on the Pangu large model, integrating the capabilities of 5G + AI to provide users with better terminals.

At the same time, Cao Jibin said that the application and promotion of 5G-A and AI large models are accelerating the intelligent upgrade of the entire society, forming a resonance effect and changing people's consumption and usage and the production mode of the industry.

He said that the industry is currently accelerating into an intelligent world where everything is perceived, everything is interconnected, and everything is intelligent. As the two cornerstones of the intelligent world, connection and computing promote and develop synergistically.

Through five years of 5G large-scale construction and application innovation, we found that society needs a faster, more stable, and more functional mobile communication network, which is also the source power of 5G-A evolution. 5G-A not only realizes a tenfold improvement in bandwidth, delay and other capabilities, but also supports sub-meter perception and centimeter-level positioning.

He believes that by 2030, the total computing power demand will increase by 100 times, and the AI computing power will exceed 500 times, which requires systematic design to integrate computing, storage, and networking, and turn the data center into an AI supercomputer.

At present, the manufacturing process of our chips is limited, but we can make up for our deficiencies in relevant supports through bandwidth space and energy. Huawei is working with the industry to collect, sort, and present in a more scientific way through the coordination of chips, software, hardware, terminals, networks, and clouds to sort out the construction of digital infrastructure.

Cao Jibin pointed out that in the next 5-10 years, the 5G-A network can meet the ultimate experience of full scenarios and full connections such as individuals, families, offices, production, and travel, and create huge economic value. It can enhance digital consumption and there will be thousands of AI/XR applications; and accelerate the industrial upgrading of smart factories and wide-area passive IoT;赋能 smart connected cars, low-altitude economy and other st rategic emerging industries to jointly create trillion-level industries.

At the same time, he also pointed out that opportunities and challenges coexist, and it is necessary to unite the forces of all parties in the industry and give full play to the advantages of the upstream and downstream of the industry to accelerate the landing of opportunities.

At the end of the speech, Cao Jibin said that 5G-A is the continuous evolution of 5G and a new starting point for the high-quality development of mobile communication in China. He倡议 that the industry jointly do the following three aspects of work:

First, continue to play the leading role of policies, determine development goals, establish benchmarks for regions, industries, and enterprises, and restrictive measures such as service quality supervision.

Second, through product and technical innovation, support the continuous evolution and moderately advanced construction of mobile networks, and provide differentiated services and businesses for individuals and enterprises based on the hierarchical experience guarantee capabilities of 5G-A.

Third, relying on the 5G application industry platform, focus on the leading enterprises in the industry, equipment manufacturers, and operators, formulate standards, jointly innovate, apply and promote, and accelerate the industrialization of modules, terminals, and applications.
