DuckDuckGo Opens free AI chat service

On June 7th, TapTechNews. DuckDuckGo, a search engine dedicated to protecting users' privacy, officially announced on Thursday that it would open DuckDuckGoAIChat to users for free. This is a generative AI chatbot that can choose to anonymously access OpenAIGPT3.5Turbo, Anthropic'sClaude3Haiku, MetaLlama3, and Mixtral8x7B. The official also announced plans to increase the number of accessible chatbot models in the future.

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In essence, DuckDuckGoAIChat acts as an intermediary between the user and the generative AI chatbot, sending the content that the user needs to inquire to the specified generative AI chatbot, and deleting all metadata that may contain the user's personal information before sending. The generative AI chatbot finally only captures the IP address of DuckDuckGoAIChat, not the IP address of the user, to achieve the anonymity of AI chat.

DuckDuckGo points out that some providers of AI services may temporarily store chat records, but these records will be deleted within 30 days to ensure that these contents cannot be used for AI model training.

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Although DuckDuckGoAIChat is free for users to use, there is still a daily usage limit. This is only done to prevent bad actors and abuse. Ordinary users generally will not reach the limit under normal use. Interested TapTechNews friends can click here to experience it.

The company is also currently considering the paid version of DuckDuckGoAIChat chat, which will increase the daily usage limit and offer more expensive AI model options.
