AI Undressing Case Exposed in China

TapTechNews June 17th news, today CCTV news CCTV13 'Rule of Law Online' exposed a case of 'AI undressing'. A man surnamed Bai in Beijing posted an advertisement on a social platform, claiming to provide a 'one-click undressing' service at a unit price of '1.5 yuan per piece'. The police followed the account clues he left and arrested the suspect.

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TapTechNews learned from the report that from June to August 2023, the man used the StableDiffusion framework combined with a specific AI model, publicly posted advertisements on social platforms, and used chat tools such as WeChat/QQ to communicate and transfer money, making nude and improper photos of female celebrities, female colleagues, and female classmates provided by others.

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According to the statistics of the procuratorial organ, the advertisement posted by Bai on the social platform has about 30,000 clicks. In just two months, he has produced nearly 7,000 improper photos and made a profit of nearly $1,500 ('1 yuan' is about equal to $0.15), causing serious damage to the reputation of a large number of victims. At present, the Haidian District Procuratorate in Beijing has filed a public prosecution against Bai on suspicion of the crime of making and trafficking pornographic items for profit and will追究 his criminal responsibility.
