IBM to Jointly Develop 10,000-Qubit Quantum Computer with AIST

TapTechNews June 17 - According to Nikkei Asia, IBM is about to sign an agreement with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan to jointly develop the next-generation quantum computer with a scale of up to 10,000 qubits.

This is also the first time IBM has cooperated to such a great extent with a non-US research institution in the field of quantum computing.

IBM's largest quantum processor currently, Condor, is 1121 qubits, and it will start selling 1000-qubit-level quantum computers in 2025.

In other words, the quantum computer cooperated by IBM and AIST will far exceed the existing products in scale.

IBM to Jointly Develop 10,000-Qubit Quantum Computer with AIST_0

Both IBM and AIST will jointly develop the superconducting integrated circuits and semiconductor resistant to extremely low temperatures required for the next-generation quantum computer, AIST hopes to introduce Japanese parts suppliers in the equipment manufacturing process.

This quantum computer is targeted to be put into application in 2029, and it is expected to be able to calculate and correct errors without an external supercomputer, and it has sufficient calculation accuracy by itself.

TapTechNews learned from reports in Japanese media that 10,000 qubits is still some distance from being officially commercialized, and the threshold for the commercialization of quantum computing is about 20,000 to 30,000 qubits.
