Bethesda's The Elder Scrolls 6 Development Update

TapTechNews June 17 news, the YouTube channel MrMattyPlays released a video interview with Todd Howard, director of Bethesda. Todd said in the interview that Bethesda has adopted a long-term strategy in developing The Elder Scrolls 6: The team has planned to continuously provide new content for this upcoming role-playing game in order to provide support for many years of operation after the game's launch.

Todd said that the team will refer to past versions to understand how fans will interact with the game many years later, because this factor will affect additional content, DLC, etc. after the game's release.

Todd said, We know 100 percent that people will spend a long time playing (this game). But he didn't disclose what specific support will be provided for this new work.

And according to TapTechNews report in March this year, after Bethesda celebrated the 30th anniversary of the release of The Elder Scrolls series, it briefly introduced the development progress of The Elder Scrolls 6. Bethesda said in the blog post: We are developing a new chapter - The Elder Scrolls 6. The new work returns to the continent of Tamriel, and an early version has been developed, which also makes us full of joy, excitement, and a sense of adventure.

Bethesda officially announced the start of production of The Elder Scrolls 6 game in 2018, but currently The Elder Scrolls 6 is still in the early development stage and still needs a considerable amount of time before the official release. The official has only announced the game's logo previously.

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