The Secret to Ingenious Photo Composition

Amazing photos often rely on ingenious composition.

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Ingenious composition can not only enhance the visual impact of the photo, highlight the theme of the photo, but also make the photo appear stable and comfortable, giving people a feeling of unfinished business.

To take photos with ingenious composition, you can start from these points:

1. Utilize gaps

Gaps, that is, narrow frame-like structures formed in the scene. This kind of structure can not only play the role of focusing the line of sight and highlighting the subject, but also give people a feeling of just right, and at the same time, it can also stimulate the viewer's imagination and trigger associations.

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Door gaps, narrow windows, a beam of light in the shadow, etc. can all form narrow gap-like structures. When the subject appears in it, we can easily focus our line of sight on this area, and the gap and other areas can also form a sense of contrast to show profound connotations in a small scene.

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2. Balance

Ingenious and comfortable composition is inseparable from the keyword of balance.

Balance is one of the manifestations of beauty, such as the composition of up-down balance and left-right balance will give us a sense of stability, that is, to meet our expectations.

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In composition to ensure balance, on the one hand, we should pay attention to details to avoid meaningless skew and distortion of the photo;

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On the other hand, we can start from the perspective of echo, and select appropriate matching elements for the subject according to the position, size, and shape of the subject to make the interaction appear in the photo.

3. Make good use of contrast

In the process of composition, various contrast means can also play a big role.

Such as arranging a small person in a large scene, this is to use the size contrast for composition to highlight the feeling of the person's smallness;

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And using the blurred foreground for contrast, the contrast between the v irtual and the real strengthens the texture of the photo;

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Other color contrasts, light and dark contrasts, etc. can all be flexibly coordinated with the composition to make the composition more flavorful.

4. Flexibly utilize scene elements

The ingenuity of composition often comes from the flexible use of scene elements.

Many fixed elements of the scene often have their fixed cultural attributes, which can unconsciously strengthen the overall atmosphere and cultural meaning of the photo. When shooting, we can reasonably incorporate these detailed elements into the picture.

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For example, when we shoot on the street, we incorporate the characteristic elements on the street as the foreground into the picture to strengthen the atmosphere of the street without being obtrusive, and these elements can not only serve as the foreground, but also serve as guiding lines, frames and other functional structures. When shooting actually, we can pay more attention to the elements that conform to the characteristics of the scene.

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This article is from the WeChat public account: Play Some Photography (ID: wakexiao), author: AGER
