Google's Internal Reorganization and New Leadership Structure

TapTechNews August 22nd news, the tech media BusinessInsider released a report yesterday (August 21st) disclosing the internal organizational structure chart of Google after the recombination and listing the top leaders of the new departments.

Merging the Pixel hardware, Android and Chrome departments

Google launched an internal reorganization in April this year, merging the hardware, Android system and Chrome browser teams, and all were placed under the management of Senior Vice President Rick Osterloh.

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The report said that Google hopes this reorganization can strengthen the combination of software and hardware to improve the competitiveness of the Pixel series of mobile phones, so as to better compete with the Apple iPhone.

The new architecture

According to the disclosed internal organizational structure chart, Osterloh is now managing nearly 25,000 full-time employees, among whom 11 direct subordinates are responsible for mobile phones, tablets, the Android system, augmented reality technology and the Chrome browser.

After this reorganization, Osterloh's team has greater say, and Sameer Samat is now in charge of the entire Android ecosystem and manages nearly 12,500 employees.

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The Chrome browser will still be managed by Vice President Parisa Tabriz, who now reports directly to Osterloh.

Shakil Barkat has less public attention, but as the vice president of devices and services, he also takes on more responsibilities and is responsible for managing the second largest group of employees after Samat.

TapTechNews attaches the new team's executives as follows:

Sameer Samat - President of the Android Ecosystem

Shakil Barkat - Vice President of Devices and Services Products

Rishi Chandra - General Manager and Vice President of Health and Home

Parisa Tabriz - Vice President, Chrome Browser

Shimrit Ben-Yair - Vice President, Photos and Google One

Ornella Indonie - Chief Commercial Officer

Linus Upson - Vice President of Engineering

Anthony Chavez - Vice President of Product Management

Matt Vokoun - Vice President of Platform and Device Strategy and Business Operations

Jay Yagnik - Vice President of Research

Julie Lin - Project Manager

Aparna Pappu - General Manager and Vice President, Google Workspace (dotted line reporting)
