Microsoft Pushing Windows 11 Upgrade Pop-ups to All Windows 10 Users

TapTechNews June 3rd news, according to WindowsLatest, Microsoft is pushing full-screen pop-ups to all Windows 10 users, reminding them to upgrade to Windows 11, even including those devices whose hardware doesn't support Win11.

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Windows 10 was released in 2015 and is still the Windows operating system hegemon with a market share close to 70%, far exceeding (exceeding by a large margin) Windows 11 released in 2021. TapTechNews noticed that although Win11 has been released for nearly three years, its market share hasn't made significant progress. Microsoft plans to stop supporting Win10 on October 14, 2025, and focus on the development of Win11.

To attract more users to upgrade, Microsoft has pushed different upgrade pop-ups for users with different hardware configurations. Tests show that for devices that don't support Win11, the pop-up will warn users that the device can't get updates and doesn't meet the upgrade requirements.

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Start a new journey of Windows, Microsoft thanked users for their long-term support to Win10 in the pop-up and informed users that Win10 will stop being supported on October 14, 2025, but will still continue to receive security updates before that.

The pop-up also specifically pointed out that the device doesn't meet the configuration requirements for upgrading to Win11 and provided buttons such as Learn about support ending, Remind me later, and Learn more. After clicking Learn more, the user will be directed to a page comparing Win10 and Win11, and Microsoft naturally also encourages users to upgrade on this page.

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Unlike devices that don't support upgrading, devices that meet the configuration requirements will have buttons such as Get updates, Schedule upgrade, Keep Win10, and Learn more. If you insist on choosing Keep Win10, Microsoft will also pop up an additional four windows to try to persuade the user to upgrade. However, the user can choose Refuse to upgrade to continue using Win10, but the pop-up will reappear in a few weeks.

For users who are still insisting on using Win10, there are less than 16 months left for you to upgrade. If you don't upgrade to Win11 or choose to pay for the extended security update service, then after October 14, 2025, you will no longer be able to download and install monthly security updates. Microsoft said it will announce the pricing of the consumer version of the extended security update later this year. Currently, for the ESU license for enterprises, the cost per device per year is $61, and the price will double year by year in the next three years.
