Bona Pictures and TikTok Present Sanxingdui Future Revelation

TapTechNews June 17th news, the AIGC sci-fi short drama series Sanxingdui: Future Revelation, produced by Bona Pictures and co-produced by TikTok, made its debut today at the 25th anniversary press conference of Bona.

This first season of the drama consists of 12 episodes and will be aired on the TikTok short drama summer season. Dream AI, as the chief AI technical support provider, based on the Doubao large model technology, provides ten AI technologies such as AI scriptwriting, concept and storyboard design, camera shot generation, image to video conversion, video editing and media content enhancement for Sanxingdui: Future Revelation.

It is introduced that the story of is set in the near future when technology is advancing rapidly. The mutation of the ancient earth civilization ruins has attracted great attention from the global ancient civilization research organization. The Pan-Atlantic artificial intelligence organization ACE speculates that there are key information to solve the civilization crisis hidden in the Sanxingdui relics. Wu Xingyan, a scientist sent by the Chinese ancient civilization research organization No. 34 Xi'an Road, supervises the actions of the ACE organization in China. Jiang family in Guanghan, Sichuan has been Sanxingdui archaeologists for three generations, and Jiang Cheng and Wu Xingyan start a time-traveling adventure.

TapTechNews learned that Dream AI is a one-stop AI content professional creation platform launched by the TikTok Group. Users can input words or pictures in Dream AI to use intelligent canvas, story creation mode, and AI editing capabilities such as first and last frames and lip-syncing.

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At present, the film and television industry has also set off a boom of AI technology. At the Wandering Earth 3 Advance Three press conference in November last year, Director Guo Fan's studio and G!Lab announced cooperation with Huawei, Xiaomi, etc. to jointly explore the use of AI technology to create the film industrialization 3.0.

Bona Pictures also restored Jackie Chan at the age of 27 for the first time with AI technology in the film . The film is scheduled to be released on July 12.

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Due to the impact of AI on the film industry, there has been a large strike in Hollywood, and now the situation has eased slightly. George Lucas, the father of Star Wars, also said that AI will be inevitably used in film production.
