Korean Beauty Giant Amorepacific Utilizes AI in Beauty Laboratory

TapTechNews July 11th news, according to Reuters, the artificial intelligence (AI) beauty laboratory of Korean beauty giant Amorepacific has been bustling with customers recently. Here, robots can blend exclusive foundation according to the customer's skin condition and recommend the most suitable lipstick color for the customer.

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The 32-year-old customer, KwonYou-jin, after experiencing the customized skin care product service, said: Everyone's skin color is unique, but usually only the most common color shades available on the market can be bought. Through the data generated by AI to understand one's own skin condition more deeply and being able to witness the before and after comparison, this is great! After receiving a skin condition report generated by AI, a robot then blended the foundation that perfectly matches her skin color for her.

TapTechNews noticed that nowadays, more and more cosmetic companies are beginning to embrace AI technology to boost sales. International brands such as L'Oréal and Sephora under the LVMH Group are also using AI to provide customers with customized product recommendations. According to the data of market research institution StatistaMarketInsights, the global beauty industry sales (including cosmetics) in 2023 reached 625.6 billion US dollars, and has been steadily increasing year by year since the trough of the epidemic in 2020.

Amorepacific said that they can use AI to recommend the best choice for customers from 205 different types of foundation and 366 different lip product colors. LeeYoung-jin, a consulting engineer of Amorepacific's customized beauty business, explained: We convert the process of experts evaluating a large amount of user skin data into an automated service through deep learning and machine learning techniques.

Analysts pointed out that using AI instead of human advisors can speed up the product development speed and reduce variables. YangYongSuk, the chief researcher of the Korea Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), participated in the development of a deep learning model for evaluating the texture of cosmetics. He said: No matter how professional the experts are, there may be large deviations among individuals, and it is really difficult to consult 30 to 40 experts to evaluate cosmetics. Nowadays, the product development cycle is shortened, and more and more new products are launched to the market more quickly. Combining with AI technology can further reduce the barriers.

The market research organization BusinessResearchCompany predicted in a report in January that with the development of services such as personalized beauty recommendations, skin analysis diagnosis and virtual makeup artists, the market size of using AI in the beauty and cosmetics industry is expected to more than double from 3.27 billion US dollars in 2023 to 8.1 billion US dollars in 2028.
