Xinghe Power Aerospace's Successful Launch of Ceres-1 Launch Vehicle

TapTechNews Jun 6, it was learned from Xinghe Power Aerospace that at 1:00 p.m. Beijing time today, the company successfully launched the Ceres-1 (Yao 13) launch vehicle (mission code: LoveOnTop) at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, and successfully sent the TEE-01B satellite (Earth's Eye-1 satellite), the Naxing-3A satellite and the Naxing-3B satellite, and the Eros orbital test platform into a 545-kilometer-high instantaneous orbit in a sun-synchronous orbit.

It is worth noting that this is the third successful launch of the Ceres-1 launch vehicle within 10 days.

 Xinghe Power Aerospaces Successful Launch of Ceres-1 Launch Vehicle_0

The basic information of the 3 satellites and the test platform is as follows:

TEE-01B satellite (Earth's Eye-1 satellite): The orbital altitude is 545 kilometers, and it can obtain remote sensing images with a ground pixel resolution better than 0.52 meters and a width better than 14.8 kilometers under the satellite. It is used to provide remote sensing data services for fields such as China's land and resources monitoring, mineral resources development, smart city construction, forest resources census, ecological environment monitoring, and public emergency health.

Naxing-3A and Naxing-3B satellites: Two remote sensing technology verification satellites jointly developed by Tsinghua University and Beijing Tianlian Measurement and Control Technology Co., Ltd., mainly for earth remote sensing imaging and earth optical beacon navigation verification.

The Eros orbital test platform: It is the first commercial rocket upper stage orbital test platform independently developed by Xinghe Power Aerospace. Its test platform is based on the upper stage of the Ceres-1 launch vehicle and realizes on-orbit operation ability through upgrading, which can provide a low-cost and convenient verification platform for on-board tests of new technologies, new devices and new products.
