Apple Tops global mobile programmatic advertising market with 51% SOV

TapTechNews August 22nd news, the market research organization Pixalate released a report yesterday (August 21st), saying that in the global mobile programmatic advertising market, Apple Inc. topped the list with a 51% share of voice (SOV).

Apple Tops global mobile programmatic advertising market with 51% SOV_0

Related Term Explanations

TapTechNews briefly introduces the proper nouns:

Programmatic Advertising:

Programmatic advertising refers to the use of advertising technology means to buy and sell digital advertising. Programmatic advertising can display relevant ads to the audience in less than a second through automated operating steps.

Share of Voice (SOV):

Measured by Pixalate, it is determined by the percentage of open programmatic advertising sales associated with a specific device type in each region. It is used to determine the relative share of a brand in its category advertising space; the calculation method is to divide the total expenditure of the category by the percentage of brand expenditure.

Survey Background

The data science team of Pixalate analyzed more than 10 million mobile applications (including those considered delisted) and more than 22 billion in-app open programmatic ad impressions in June 2024, thereby compiling the 2024 Q2 Global Mobile Device Market Share Report.

Report Contents

The report provides the top mobile device market analysis based on open programmatic ad traffic in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Latin America (LATAM), and the Asia-Pacific region (APAC) in June 2024.

Apple Tops global mobile programmatic advertising market with 51% SOV_1


Based on the open programmatic advertising SOV, Apple iPhone has the largest global market share, reaching 51%, and has remained dominant since July 2022.

Compared with the second quarter of 2023 (49%), it has increased by 6% year-on-year.

Apple iPhone ranked first in North America (70%), Europe, the Middle East and Africa region (41%), the Asia-Pacific region (33%), and Latin America and the Caribbean region (29%).


Samsung occupied the second largest share in the world with a 16% SOV, but compared with the second quarter of 2023 (17%), its share decreased by 6% year-on-year.

Samsung ranked fourth in the Asia-Pacific region (12%), second in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region (16%), second in the Latin America and Caribbean region (20%), and second in North America (16%).


Huawei ranked third in the world with a 6.3% SOV, which was slightly lower than 6.9% in the second quarter of 2023.


Xiaomi ranked fourth, with a SOV of 5.9%, reaching a peak of 8% in the first quarter of 2024 and then decreased.
