NIO's Intelligent Driving Department Adjustment

TapTechNews on June 20, according to reports from LatePost, NIO's intelligent driving R & D department has recently completed an organizational adjustment.

Previously, NIO's intelligent driving R & D was divided into perception, planning and control, and integration sections. After the adjustment, the perception and planning and control teams have been merged into a large model team, and the integration team has been reorganized into a delivery team. The merged large model team is led by Peng Chao, the former head of NIO's perception team.

The reorganized autonomous driving R & D department is still led by Ren Shaoqing, the vice president of intelligent driving R & D at NIO. After this adjustment, Ren Shaoqing conveyed to the team that they should abandon the traditional perception - decision-making - planning and control paradigm that has been used in the industry for many years. It is reported that NIO will more clearly explore the use of end-to-end large models to achieve advanced intelligent driving.

Currently, NIO's intelligent driving team has about 1,500 people, which is relatively streamlined compared to other companies. Huawei's intelligent driving team has more than 7,000 people, BYD has about 4,000 people, and XPeng has about 3,000 people. After Ideal's intelligent driving team was contracted last month, it currently has about 800 people.

According to a previous report by TapTechNews, NIO's latest May intelligent driving operation report shows that the total number of NIO intelligent driving users has reached 515,811, and the single-month intelligent driving mileage exceeds 100 million kilometers, and the total mileage of the pilot assist is nearly 1 billion kilometers.

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