Haier Warns of Fake Texts Claiming Membership Deductions

TapTechNews July 14th, Haier officially released a statement today, saying that the platform has recently received feedback that some unidentified calls posing as Haier's official service have sent text messages about activating Haier after-sales membership and deducting fees, which damages the rights and interests of users.

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Haier officially stated that it has never sent any form of text message notification of fee-charging activities to users, and asks the majority of users to pay attention to discrimination and beware of fraud. The Haier official statement is as follows:

Haier has never sent any form of text message notification of fee-charging activities to users.

The Haier membership is not a customized renewal membership, and the deduction-related words in the text message are all untrue information.

The only designated service supervision phone number of Haier official is 4006-999-999, and any other numbers are not Haier official phones. Please do not call the phone in the text message.

TapTechNews reminds all friends that the means of scammers are ever-changing. For behaviors involving personal assets and personal information, be careful and beware of being deceived.
