Orange Pi's Computing Power Upgrade 8 TOPS to 12 TOPS

TapTechNews, June 14th. Orange Pi announced today that the OrangePi AIpro/KunpengPro can increase the computing power from 8 TOPS to a maximum of 12 TOPS.

Previously, Orange Pi adopted a firmware upgrade to increase the main frequency of the development board from 1.0 GHz to 1.6 GHz. The official conducted a Unixbench跑分 test on OrangePi AIpro. The details are as follows:

 Orange Pis Computing Power Upgrade 8 TOPS to 12 TOPS_0

 Orange Pis Computing Power Upgrade 8 TOPS to 12 TOPS_1

In the case of a main frequency of 1.0 GHz, the average single-core score of Orange Pi AIpro is 590.6, and the average four-core score is 1932.9; after increasing the CPU frequency to 1.6 GHz, the average single-core score of Orange Pi AIpro is 911.9, and the average four-core score is 2909.5.

After the main frequency is increased, the single-core test score of the development board CPU is increased by about 54.4%, and the four-core test score is increased by about 50.5%.

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This time, for the 8T computing power upgrade of the OrangePi AIpro/KunpengPro development board to 12T, Orange Pi still adopts the firmware upgrade method. After users update the Ascend310B-firmware firmware package and restart, it will take effect.

TapTechNews note: The computing power range of Orange Pi AIpro after improvement is 8 TOPS to 12 TOPS, and the specific performance of the individual chips of the product may have slight differences.

It is introduced that OrangePi AIpro is the first AI development board based on Ascension in the industry, which can be used for image recognition, speech recognition, microbial recognition, etc., and supports applications in artificial intelligence fields such as AI edge computing, deep visual learning and video stream AI analysis, video image analysis, natural language processing, etc.

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The OrangePi KunpengPro development board comes pre-installed with openEuler, openGauss, and DevKit, and supports native development of the entire stack of Kunfeng. It supports the implementation of experiments such as the principle of computer composition and operating system in colleges and universities. The official said that KunpengPro can meet the needs of most AI algorithm prototype verification and inference application development.

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