Guangzhou Police Crack Credit Card Fraud Case

TapTechNews June 12th news, according to the report of China Central Radio and Television Station's 'Voice of China' yesterday, the Guangzhou police recently announced a credit card fraud case, uncovering the inside story of a new type of credit card fraud crime integrating'remanufacturing, fraud, and fencing', and issuing warnings about the new risks existing in chip credit cards.

It is understood that the case cracked this time has a novel modus operandi, and the criminal gang involved bypassed the preset security line of the chip credit card by using the 'three axes'.

Buying a large amount of citizens' personal information through 'black and gray production': involving names, ID card numbers, credit card numbers, mobile phone numbers and a string of 6-digit passwords.

Signal shielding, SMS bombing, and call transfer all come into play: The gang disguises as the card owner's identity and contacts the business hall to carry out various 'tricky' operations. In order to make the card owner ignore or not receive the bank's SMS reminder, the gang first disguises as the card owner's identity and dials the communication operator's phone to enable the SMS shielding function; or buys an SMS bombing service to drown the bank reminder information in junk SMS.

Getting the card, fraudulently using it, and cashing out: Different people operate in a 'divided' manner, and the operators are even from different cities, and share the spoils through virtual currency.

Mr. Zhang, the person in charge of a certain commercial bank branch in Beijing, said that through the above means, in just over two minutes, 'the card in your pocket can become someone else's card, and reading the user key in the card is the key to fraudulently using it.'

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TapTechNews attached the case process:

In one day in 2023, a bank in Guangzhou reported to the local public security organ that the bank customer service received a large number of applications from people who claimed to be the bank's customers to remake credit cards and change the mailing addresses in a short time, and the situation was very strange.

According to the introduction of the staff of the fraud risk management department of the bank's credit card center, the bank verified the identity by checking the cardholder's ID number and telephone service password and made a new card as required by the customer.

After receiving the new card, the person claiming to be the 'customer' called the bank customer service again, verified the card transaction password and activated it, and then made large purchases such as gold in other places with a large amount of money. At present, it has been found that the credit cards of 6 customers have been fraudulently used, and the amount is about 610,000 yuan.

The Guangzhou police set up a task force. After investigation, between October 2022 and March 2023, the criminal gang involved launched an 'attack' on more than 900 credit cards of 7 commercial banks, successfully reissued more than 500 credit cards, successfully activated and fraudulently used more than 230 credit cards, and the amount involved was 11 million yuan.

Guangzhou police arrested 12 criminal suspects in Hainan, Fujian, Jiangxi and other places, relieved the potential risk amount of being fraudulently used by more than 1 billion yuan, and wiped out a new type of credit card fraud gang integrating'remanufacturing, fraud, and fencing'. At present, the procuratorial organ has approved the arrest and prosecution of the criminal suspects on suspicion of credit card fraud crime.
