How Google Is Exploring Web Monetization Solutions in the AI Era

TapTechNews August 8th news, How to avoid high-quality content from being grabbed in the AI era? Google is exploring web monetization solutions in the Chrome browser to provide new revenue models for webmasters and creators.

Advertising era on the decline

Many content creators and webmasters rely on advertising to cover operating costs. The more people visit the website, the more income they and Google get.

However, in the AI era, users can bypass visiting these websites and get the answers they want, resulting in reduced income for content creators and webmasters.

Monetization plan

TapTechNews reported in February this year that Google is developing a web monetization specification that allows users to pay directly to the website and preview relevant content through micropayments to help webmasters open up new revenue channels in addition to other traditional methods such as advertising and subscriptions.

Software engineer Alexander Surkov recently released a proposal to introduce relevant code in the Chromium source code to build a secure and portable online micropayment system.

Surkov's envisioned web monetization API has the characteristics of micropayment and no user interaction, and its deployment method is also very simple. Just add rel=monetization attribute in the link element of the HTML code.

Webmasters can add the new attribute to the website code, and for users, they need to set up digital wallets such as Gatehub and Fynbos first. After visiting the page, they will receive a payment order, and users can also set up to achieve payment without a password.


Google said in the new support documentation that web monetization is a web technology that allows website owners to receive micropayments from users when they interact with their content.

How Google Is Exploring Web Monetization Solutions in the AI Era_0

Google believes that the system has two advantages:

Supports micropayments

No user interaction

If a visitor has set up a wallet for a specific website, this will start a new web monetization session. The visitor can control the entire process, including the website to be rewarded and the amount of the reward.

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