JD.com's Drastic Changes JD Family Doctor Division Abolished

According to TapTechNews on May 28, JD.com has recently undergone radical changes, and related news such as strict attendance checks and salary increases for procurement and sales personnel has frequently hit the trending topics.

According to the latest news from Jianwen Consulting, the JD Family Doctor Division under JD Health has been completely abolished. The original department head, Tan Tianhong, has been transferred to another position, and some employees have left, while a small number have been transferred internally.

It is reported that within JD Health, the JD Family Doctor Division is a core department parallel to the Internet Medical Division, and the division head reports directly to the CEO of JD Health, Jin Enlin.

TapTechNews found out through public information that JD Family Doctor was launched in August 2020. The official claim is that it can provide users and families with 7x24-hour health consultations, unlimited specialist consultations, follow-up prescriptions, outpatient appointment services in more than 2700 hospitals, 48-hour online consultation with famous doctors, active follow-up services, collection and archiving of health information, and formulation of health plans and other family doctor services.

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According to an informed source, Xin Lijun, the then CEO of JD Health, had repeatedly stated internally that JD Family Doctor should be built as the first entry point of JD Health, similar to the position of Moments in WeChat.

However, in the more than 3 years since then, JD Family Doctor has consumed a lot of time and patience of JD Health, and its product positioning has also changed many times, but it has never been able to solve the most core sales problem. A person close to the senior management of JD Health said, 'A lot has been invested, but there has never been a profitable model or other value, so it was abandoned.'

Regarding this news, JD.com has not given a response for the time being.
