Microsoft Upgrades OutlookLite to Support SMS Text Messaging

TapTechNews May 28th news, Microsoft Corporation today released a press release to upgrade OutlookLite service to support SMS text messaging. Microsoft stated that users can now use the OutlookLite application to manage both e-mail and SMS text messaging simultaneously for centralized management of communication channels.

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Microsoft said that the new version of OutlookLite has the following features:

Read, write and send text messages directly from the application.

Organize mails into useful categories (transactions, promotions, personal).

Use text messages to share your favorite articles or nearby locations and interact with others while using the application.

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The latest version of OutlookLite has a new SMS tab icon at the bottom. After users click and grant relevant permissions, they can use this application to send and receive text messages. Microsoft will provide the following functions to bring a better text messaging experience to users around the world:

Closer integration with e-mail, calendar and contact list

Cloud backup of information

Enhanced security features

TapTechNews attached the official introduction of Microsoft OutlookLite as follows:

Email management with fast performance designed for mobile phones. Microsoft OutlookLite introduces your favorite e-mail, calendar and contact functions in a small application, optimized to work on phones with insufficient resources. Keep track of the inbox, stay in touch with contacts and avoid spam with the help of OutlookLite. Do more quickly and easily on any network.

Microsoft OutlookLite is the e-mail manager that meets all your needs. Use OutlookLite to access and send e-mails when you're out, schedule and book meetings, and organize the inbox all in one place. OutlookLite is built for smaller phone storage, optimized for your needs and designed just for you.
