Most Customers Don't Want AI in Customer Service, Survey Finds

TapTechNews July 9th news, the market research organization Gartner released a survey report today, stating that 64% of the surveyed customers do not want the customer service to use AI. The survey also pointed out that 53% of the customers will consider turning to competitors if they find that a certain company's customer service uses AI.

Gartner surveyed 5728 customers in December 2023. Although many customer service companies are actively deploying AI services, customers are not buying it.

Most Customers Dont Want AI in Customer Service, Survey Finds_0

Customers believe that after the introduction of AI in the customer service system, it becomes more difficult to contact human customer service, and on the other hand, the worry is that AI provides incorrect answers. TapTechNews briefly attaches the concerns of the surveyed customers as follows:

60% of the respondents think that it is more difficult to find human customer service after the deployment of AI customer service.

46% of the respondents are worried that AI will completely replace human customer service in the future.

42% of the respondents are worried that AI provides the wrong answers.

34% of the respondents are worried about causing data insecurity.

25% of the respondents are worried that the AI customer service system is unfair and will favor certain customers.
