China Telecom Releases Xingchen Super Multi-Dialect Speech Recognition Model

TapTechNews May 25th news, the Telecommunication AI Research Institute of China Telecom (TeleAI) announced recently the release of the industry's first speech recognition large model that supports the free mixing of 30 dialects - the Xingchen Super Multi-Dialect Speech Recognition Large Model.

According to the introduction, this model can break the dilemma that a single model can only recognize a specific single dialect, and supports the simultaneous recognition and understanding of more than 30 dialects such as Cantonese, Shanghai dialect, Sichuan dialect, Wenzhou dialect, etc., and is the speech recognition large model that supports the most dialects in China.

In terms of application scenarios, this model is expected to greatly solve the problem that the information services for the elderly and users in old, young, border and poor areas cannot be reached.

The R & D team of this large model pioneered the distillation + expansion joint training algorithm to solve the problem of pre-training collapse under the condition of super-large-scale multi-scenario data sets and large-scale parameters, and achieved the stable training of the 1B parameter 80-layer model.

The official also said that the Xingchen speech large model has been widely applied and landed, and has been piloted and applied in the intelligent customer service of China Telecom's 10,000 numbers in Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Beijing, Inner Mongolia and other places. This customer service can instantly understand more than 30 dialects and can handle about 2 million calls per day on average. In the future, the Telecommunication AI Research Institute of China Telecom plans to build the first speech recognition large model covering 333 prefecture-level cities' dialects and major ethnic minority languages in the country.

According to the previous report of TapTechNews, in April, China Telecom had 413 million mobile users, with an increase of 1.8 million; the number of 5G package users was 332 million, with an increase of 2.9 million; the number of cable broadband users was 192 million, with an increase of 80,000; and the number of fixed-line telephone users was 99.81 million, with a decrease of 450,000.
