Weibo's Crackdown on Online Black Market and Irregular Marketing by Some Enterprises

TapTechNews July 2nd news, the Weibo official stated that it is actively carrying out a special crackdown on online black market activities. In the continuous verification of the previously reported by the central media on the'related topic of online trolls paying to boost the hot search list', it was found that some enterprises are engaged in behaviors such as purchasing online black market services for brushing up the rankings and conducting irregular marketing in an unregulated way in collaboration with the media.

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The Weibo side said that it supports enterprises' legal and compliant brand building, publicity and promotion, and co-construction cooperation within the platform. Irregular marketing behaviors that damage the business network environment of the platform not only damage the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of users but also infringe on the compliant marketing rights and interests of other enterprise users.

TapTechNews attached the typical cases announced by the Weibo official:

Case 1: A certain e-commerce App has long been planning social topics with media accounts such as 'XX Decision' for corporate public relations image publicity, and has placed orders for the so-called ranking-boosting services of MCN institutions, and carried out irregular commercial marketing through machine-brushing in the form of volume.

Case 2: After the executives of a certain live streaming agency participated in a media program, the enterprise illegally purchased MCN accounts and added a large amount of homogenized content in a short time within the hot content topics derived from the program to illegally divert traffic to the brand's live stream room.

Case 3: A certain coffee brand had a large number of similar marketing topics appearing within the station at its marketing nodes. Through the investigation of the blog posts under the topics, it was found that a large number of machine accounts participated in the topic discussion, and it illegally rushed to the hot search list through improper means.

Case 4: A certain automobile brand at the key marketing nodes and financial report nodes of the enterprise purchased financial and business media accounts, planned relevant hot topics, and illegally purchased the so-called ranking-boosting services of external marketing companies. The marketing companies used the form of machine-brushing to release homogenized content in a short time to illegally boost the ranking.

Case 5: A certain airline planned tourism-related content topics through marketing accounts before the long holiday for tourism. After the topic got on the hot search list, the topic host added the way of product specials through editing and topping blog posts to conduct illegal diversion.

The Weibo official stated that in order to protect the normal rights and interests of enterprise marketing promotion and further maintain the business network environment, according to the relevant regulations such as the Weibo Business Code of Conduct and the Weibo Hot Search Management Rules, for the 16 enterprise brands found to have irregular behaviors in the recent patrol and retrospective, the station side has taken the following dispositions: If there is no participation of provincial-level and above media, the related enterprise topics will not be included in the hot search list for 3 to 6 months.