Web Version of Copilot Adds 'Phone' Plugin for Android Phone Management

TapTechNews July 2nd news, the tech media WindowsLatest reported yesterday (July 1st) that the web version of Copilot has added a new "Phone" plugin, which can manage Android phones connected to the Windows 11 system.

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According to the plugin description, after the user checks to enable the plugin, they can view the contact information of the connected Android phone, read and send and receive text messages, set the phone alarm and so on.

After the user enables the plugin, it will automatically call the "Phone Link" (PhoneLink) application. After completion, let Copilot display the recent text messages from the Android phone. If the user does not use the "Phone Link" application, an error will pop up, indicating that Copilot cannot access the device temporarily.

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Once authorized, Copilot can help you complete various tasks, such as obtaining information from contacts or text messages, summarizing the key points of information, writing and sending text messages, setting the alarm, etc.

TapTechNews attached more pictures as follows:

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