Audi A6L Spontaneously Combusts in China Insurance Dispute and Customer's Demand

TapTechNews May 29 - According to The Paper News, Ms. Chen from Hubei recently reported that in August 2023, she purchased an Audi A6L car in full at Wuhan Hengxin Handi Auto Sales Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Wuhan Hengxin Handi 4S store). On March 3 this year, only 7 months after picking up the car, Ms. Chen's new car spontaneously combusted and was destroyed when parked on the side of the road.

Entrusted by Taiping Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Wuhan Branch, the relevant technical center conducted an investigation on the vehicle condition and determined that it was a spontaneous combustion caused by an electrical failure inside the car and the quality defect of the accessory itself. Therefore, the insurance company refused to pay, believing that the quality problem should be the responsibility of the manufacturer.

After the accident, Ms. Chen went to the involved 4S store many times to negotiate with the after-sales manager and demanded compensation for the top configuration model of the originally purchased car (2024 A6L 55 four-wheel drive flagship) and compensation for related mental distress expenses, but was refused by the other party.

Mr. Jin, the after-sales manager of Wuhan Hengxin Handi 4S store, said that the spontaneous combustion of the relevant vehicle was an individual case and was the first accident in the past five or six years of his own 4S store, so it was handled according to a single case, and the two solutions of returning the car or exchanging the car were provided according to the three-package policy.

At present, Ms. Chen has not agreed to the above two solutions of the Audi manufacturer, and the two sides have not reached an agreement for the time being. TapTechNews noted that the report mentioned that the 4S store provided Ms. Chen with a car for temporary use of an A6, and currently, Ms. Chen is still using it.

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