Apple's iOS/iPadOS 18 Beta Update New Features but Bugs Exist

TapTechNews June 11th news, the iOS/iPadOS 18 Beta update released by Apple today, although it introduces many new functions/features, but there are also quite a few BUGs. It is recommended not to update temporarily, as it may either waste installation time or result in the loss of relevant data, and even may cause the iPhone to become bricked.

 Apples iOS/iPadOS 18 Beta Update New Features but Bugs Exist_0

Today, Gurman also tweeted to specifically remind that TapTechNews translates the relevant tweet content as follows:

I think many of the functions introduced in the first Beta version of iOS 18 are very popular. After all, as the first Beta version, so there may be especially many errors.

As I said, even if AppleIntelligence is launched this autumn, it will be in the form of a preview version.

And since iOS 18 Beta is after all a developer test version, the existence of BUGs is inevitable. For ordinary users, it is really not recommended to update and upgrade at the first time. It is recommended to decide whether to upgrade based on the feedback from other users.

Apple WWDC24 Developer Conference Keynote Speech Topic
