OpenAI's ChatGPT Login-Free Version May Come to Mobile Devices

TapTechNews May 21st news, the login-free version of OpenAI's chatbot ChatGPT may soon land on mobile devices. AndroidAuthority found this function in the Android version of ChatGPT (beta) v1.2024.136, allowing users to have a conversation with the AI chatbot without creating an account.

OpenAI's ChatGPT Login-Free Version May Come to Mobile Devices_0

In the past, OpenAI has always required users to create an OpenAI account or log in with a Google, Apple, or Microsoft account to use ChatGPT. The company announced last month that users can use the login-free version of ChatGPT for free. OpenAI pointed out several benefits of having an account, 'including saving and viewing chat history records, sharing chat content, and unlocking additional features such as voice conversations and custom instructions.'

TapTechNews previously reported that OpenAI said last month that the login-free version will 'be gradually rolled out', and although this feature is currently found on the Android version, it is expected to land on both Android and iOS systems in the future.

Users can choose not to use their conversation content to improve ChatGPT and OpenAI models, but the login-free version of the chatbot does not support uploading images. This function requires the support of the GPT-4o model and requires users to log in with a free or premium account.

OpenAI announced a series of news in last week's spring update event. In addition to GPT-4o, they also showed a new ChatGPT application for macOS and AI voice features. However, OpenAI decided to temporarily deactivate one of the AI voices that sounds a lot like Scarlett Johansson, who once voiced the AI assistant in the movie 'Her'.
