Valve Announces New Steam Store Page Text Description Regulations

TapTechNews August 14th news, Valve Corporation (V社) today announced new regulations for the text description on the Steam store page, expressly prohibiting developers from using the store page to insert links for advertising and promoting other games or stores. The new regulations will be launched in early September.

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Valve Corporation said that the new rules affect four places on the Steam store page: About the Game, Overview, Special Announcements, and Awards. The text descriptions in these places are prohibited from having links to other websites (including social media), embedded pictures that imitate the Steam store UI or buttons, and pictures, links, or widgets pointing to other Steam games.

In addition, TapTechNews noticed that starting from early September, Steam will introduce an update to automatically hide all cases where the text description or other text columns of the game contain URLs, which will include all content in the [url] tags on the page, as well as all other URLs.
