Sony PS5 and Its Unfulfilled 8K Resolution Promise

TapTechNews on June 5th, it's been three and a half years since Sony launched the PlayStation 5 console, and the 4K 120, 8K and HDR selling points marked on its packaging have not been fulfilled yet, and Sony hasn't disclosed when it will support 8K resolution. The industry believes that although 8K monitors and TVs are not common, Sony shouldn't use features that its product doesn't support as selling points.

A dealer said that in order to make users completely give up hope, Sony has now quietly removed the 8K logo on the PS5 packaging, but some netizens think it's paving the way for the rumored PS5 Pro.

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Sony PS5 and Its Unfulfilled 8K Resolution Promise_1

TapTechNews noticed that the PS5 Genshin Impact starter pack released by Sony SIE officially today has also removed the 8K logo, proving that this is indeed a premeditated behavior by Sony, not a printing mistake.

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It is worth noting that there are not no 8K games in the current generation. For example, The Touryst originally supported 8K 60FPS operation, but because the PlayStation 5 doesn't support 8K resolution, it can only run in the 4K 60FPS mode.

However, most console gamers nowadays would choose to buy a 4K 120Hz TV that supports HDR and variable refresh rate technology (in fact, PS5 also struggles to stably run 4K 120FPS games), so the 8K TV sales are not that good currently, and mainstream streaming services don't plan to support 8K content in the short term, so even if PS5 doesn't support 8K resolution, it's reasonable.
