Global Foundry Output in Q1 2024 and Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp's Performance

TapTechNews June 12th - TrendForce released a research report today. In the first quarter of 2024, the global top ten foundry output value decreased by 4.3% quarter-on-quarter to 29.2 billion US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 212.119 billion yuan).

Among them, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp's revenue in the first quarter increased by 4.3% quarter-on-quarter to 17.5 billion US dollars. It performed better than other peers. Its market share was 5.7%, surpassing GlobalFoundries and United Microelectronics Corp (UMC). It jumped to the third place, second only to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) and Samsung.

At the same time, TrendForce predicts that due to the 618 Shopping Festival in the second quarter, which boosts the sales of smart phones, the capacity utilization rate of Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp's eight-inch and twelve-inch will be higher than that in the first quarter. It is expected that the revenue can maintain a single-digit quarter-on-quarter growth, and the market share is expected to remain the third.

 Global Foundry Output in Q1 2024 and Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corps Performance_0

TSMC's revenue in the first quarter decreased by about 4.1% quarter-on-quarter to 188.5 billion US dollars. Its market share was 61.7%, and it is still the world's largest foundry.

Samsung was affected by the off-season of smart phones in the first quarter and the use of domestic substitutes by Chinese mobile phone manufacturers. Its revenue decreased by 7.2% quarter-on-quarter to 33.6 billion US dollars, and its market share was 11%. TrendForce said that Samsung lacks large-scale customers in advanced processes and has a lower capacity utilization rate. Its revenue in the second quarter is expected to be flat or increase slightly.
