Bandai Namco's Next Game Project Revealed as 'Ace Combat 8'

TapTechNews May 26th news, blogger Midori recently revealed that Bandai Namco's next large-scale game project code-named Chronicle, and believed that the project is Ace Combat 8.

 Bandai Namcos Next Game Project Revealed as 'Ace Combat 8'_0

Midori said that the Ace Combat 8 project is under development and is supported by ILCA and ORCA.

TapTechNews previously reported that at the 25th anniversary special review program of Ace Combat in 2021, producer Kazunori Kono said that the development work of the new series has now started and is jointly developed with ILCA, and will use the Unreal Engine 5.

 Bandai Namcos Next Game Project Revealed as 'Ace Combat 8'_1

In 2022, Bandai Namco and ILCA announced the cooperation to establish a new company BandaiNamcoAces, headquartered in Tokyo.

Related reading:

The studio of Ace Combat 7: The new work is under development and will be built with the Unreal Engine 5.
