Hubei Province's Plan for Rural Charging Infrastructure Construction

TapTechNews May 17th news, the General Office of the Hubei Provincial People's Government issued the 'Implementation Plan for the Construction of Rural Charging Infrastructure in Hubei Province' today. It proposed to promote the improvement and densification of township charging stations and extend the service radius. Guided by market demand, promote the construction of village-level charging facilities in a focused and step-by-step manner, and reasonably build charging facilities with a combination of fast and slow charging, aiming to allow new energy vehicles to 'get out of the city, enter the village, and return home'.

The 'Plan' proposed that this year, charging facilities will be built relying on 7000 administrative villages to accelerate the completion of the main node framework of the rural charging network in the province. In 2025 and beyond, according to the actual development of vehicles, piles, and networks, further continuous construction, improvement and densification will be carried out to comprehensively improve the level of rural public charging services, ensuring that rural charging facilities 'have someone to build, someone to manage, and can be sustainable', and promoting the 'convenient charging, convenient use, and zero anxiety' of new energy vehicles going to the countryside.

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TapTechNews learned from the 'Plan' that the key tasks include in the development of urban and rural parking lots, postal and delivery logistics outlets, beautiful countryside construction, cultural tourism and other projects in various places, coordinating urban and rural parking lot resources, simultaneously investing and building charging facilities, and vigorously promoting the integrated development of parking and charging services; comprehensively promoting the construction of charging facilities in administrative villages with the capacity of the distribution network, giving priority to promoting the construction of charging facilities in economically strong villages, large-population villages, transportation node villages, and famous tourist villages in various places, and gradually extending to remote villages.
