Microsoft's WSL2 Upgrades from Linux 5.15 to 6.6 LTS

TapTechNews July 3rd news, Microsoft's WSL2 has been using the Linux 5.15 LTS kernel for a long time previously, but now it has been upgraded to the latest Linux 6.6 LTS series, completely skipping the Linux 6.1 LTS during this period.

Microsofts WSL2 Upgrades from Linux 5.15 to 6.6 LTS_0

TapTechNews noticed that the linux-msft-wsl- released by Microsoft yesterday has been upgraded to the Linux 6.6.36 kernel. In addition to upgrading the kernel version, the x86_64 and ARM64 kernel configurations have also been adjusted, such as adding the support for loadable modules.

Microsofts WSL2 Upgrades from Linux 5.15 to 6.6 LTS_1

Jumping from Linux 5.15 to 6.6 LTS also means that Microsoft needs to maintain fewer non-mainline patches, because patches for functions such as page reporting, vPCI, memory recycling, vSock, etc. have also been integrated into the upstream kernel, and Microsoft does not need to maintain it separately for its downstream kernel.

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