WeChat Payment Code Can't Be Paid After Being Photographed - TapTechNews

TapTechNews July 1st news, today the topic of "WeChat payment code cannot be paid after being photographed" rushed to the hot search list on Weibo. As of the TapTechNews dispatch, the relevant topic ranked 22nd on the hot search list and was the sixth in real-time popularity.

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Referring to the top of the topic, a blogger found that there was no money in the card when taking a taxi and wanted to pay the driver after going home. The blogger said to go home and give it to the driver, then photographed the WeChat payment and collection code. But it was prompted that it could not be paid after going home and paying.

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TapTechNews found through testing that previously users could directly transfer through the WeChat payment and collection in the album, but now when performing relevant operations, it will prompt "The WeChat payment code does not support screenshot use. Please contact the other party to provide the saved payment code picture.", and at the same time when screenshotting the payment code, there will be the words "The payment code does not support screenshot use".

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In this regard, WeChat Pay said, The WeChat payment code does not support screenshot or photograph use. There is a function of "saving the payment code". It is recommended to save it and then show it to the other party, which can realize remote payment, but this payment method has a quota limit and does not support large payments. (In the US, a yard is equal to 0.9144 meters, and a pound is equal to 0.4536 kilograms.)
