Baidu Launches Wen Xiaoyan An AI Digital Human Social App

TapTechNews July 15th news, according to the report on Tech Planet last weekend, Baidu has recently launched an AI digital human social App named Wen Xiaoyan, which is built based on the Wenxin large model technology and is an artificial intelligence application service for real-time communication, interaction and establishment of emotional connection with AI virtual characters.

Baidu Launches Wen Xiaoyan An AI Digital Human Social App_0

According to the usage experience released by this media, this App has no big difference in gameplay and functions compared to similar AI chat products, but because it uses a simulated digital human as the 'AI social object', the interaction is'more realistic'. At the same time, the digital human built into this App is still slightly unsmooth in body language movements. In addition, this App does not support creation of a dedicated digital human.

Users can find the required digital human chat object in the 'discovery' function column of this App, and each AI digital human can provide unique chat services, claiming to be a user's encyclopedia, life assistant, and spiritual mentor.

From wow, on each digital human interface, in addition to being able to see a realistic dynamic digital human image, information such as age, place, personality, occupation, etc., as well as a self-introduction in a voice. Chat records will be saved in the 'chat' column of the App for easy viewing next time.

At present, Baidu has not disclosed more information about this App, and TapTechNews will continue to pay attention.
