First Bioshock 4 Screenshot Leaked by 2K's Visual Artist

TapTechNews July 15th news, foreign media MP1ST obtained the first game screenshot of Bioshock 4 from a visual artist at 2K.

First Bioshock 4 Screenshot Leaked by 2Ks Visual Artist_0

It is introduced that this is the game screenshot of Bioshock 4 in the 2021 demo version, showing the light ball structure on the top of the tower, a shotgun weapon named RicochetShotgun and part of the game UI.

In addition, the game screenshot also indicates that the project code name is Parkside, which is consistent with rumors from a few years ago.

First Bioshock 4 Screenshot Leaked by 2Ks Visual Artist_1

2K established the CloudChamber studio in 2019 to develop new games in the Bioshock series. This studio includes many of the original members of the game, such as design director Jonathan Pelling and creative director Hoagy dela Plante.

TapTechNews noticed that the original game director of Bioshock, Ken Levine, is not participating in the new game, but is developing a new work, Judas, at his founded GhostStoryGames studio.
