Foxconn's Massive Recruitment in Zhengzhou for iPhone 16 Series Prep, Diversified Developments

TapTechNews August 11th news, at the critical period of stocking up for Apple's new iPhone 16 series, Foxconn Technology Group (hereinafter referred to as Foxconn) started to recruit employees on a large scale.

Foxconns Massive Recruitment in Zhengzhou for iPhone 16 Series Prep, Diversified Developments_0

According to the Daily Economic News report, on August 8th, the recruitment agency of Foxconn Zhengzhou Science and Technology Park disclosed to reporters that the hourly wage of part-time workers was raised to $3.75 (26 yuan), and the return fee workers (requiring 90 days of punching in) could get a $1087.5 (7500 yuan) cashback reward. Compared with the salary treatment on July 26th, the hourly wage of part-time workers increased by $0.3 (2 yuan), and the cashback of return fee workers increased by $30 (200 yuan).

Insiders disclosed that Foxconn's chairman Liu Yangwei stayed in Zhengzhou for 4 days at the end of July, which is not common in the past. Foxconn has a long-term cooperation with Zhengzhou, and both sides benefit from each other.

Every September is the time for Apple's new phones to be released, and the middle of the year is the critical stocking-up period for new iPhones. As the main contract manufacturer of Apple, Foxconn has ushered in the Apple season. On August 8th, a recruitment agency said that Foxconn was recruiting high-price workers, mainly part-time workers and return fee workers. The hourly wage of part-time workers is $3.75 (26 yuan), and the return fee workers can get a $1087.5 (7500 yuan) cashback reward after punching in for 90 days.

Compared with the salary treatment on July 26th, the hourly wage of part-time workers increased by $0.3 (2 yuan), and the cashback of return fee workers increased by $30 (200 yuan). The recruitment agency said that currently, there is a long queue of people interviewing and entering every day, mainly for the mass production of iPhone 16 series. Ninety percent of the applicants can pass the interview, mainly checking for infectious diseases, tattoos, criminal records, cigarette scars, etc.

Foxconn officially settled in Zhengzhou in 2010 and has provided a large number of employment opportunities for Henan over the years. By 2013, the number of employees in Foxconn Zhengzhou Park had exceeded 300,000, and more than 90% were employees from Henan. In 2023, the total number of people in Foxconn Zhengzhou Science and Technology Park remained stable at about 200,000.

Foxconn's chairman Liu Yangwei visited Henan three times from February to April 2023, pledging to build another new Foxconn in Henan. TapTechNews noted that on April 25, 2023, the new business headquarters of Foxconn was inaugurated, announcing that it will continue to deeply cultivate Henan and implement the 3+3 strategy to build the Zhengzhou base into the core base and important benchmark of Foxconn's global innovation and industrial layout.

According to the news of Henan Release, on July 22nd, the Henan provincial government and Foxconn signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Zhengzhou to support Foxconn in building a new business headquarters in Zhengzhou. The first phase of the project is located in the Zhengdong New Area, with a construction area of about 70,000 square meters and a total investment of about $150 million (1 billion yuan).

In Zhengzhou, Foxconn not only produces iPhones, but also pursues diversified development and invests in the new energy vehicle industry. The annual report of Hon Hai Technology Group shows that through the CDMS model, it assists auto manufacturers to achieve rapid listing and cost-effectiveness. In 2023, Foxconn signed a memorandum wi th solid-state battery enterprise BlueSolution to cooperate in the production of solid-state batteries for two-wheelers.

Foxconn plans to supply parts or provide services for 10% of the global electric vehicles between 2025 and 2027. The growth of the smartphone market is slowing down, and the car, as the next most promising smart terminal device, has become an important direction for enterprises like Foxconn to pursue diversified development.
