Apple Pencil Pro Released in China with Advanced Features

According to TapTechNews on May 28, the Apple Pencil Pro for the Chinese mainland market has been put on sale, with a price of $145 (click here to buy). It introduces many advanced features such as pinching, side-spinning, and haptic feedback, allowing users to annotate, take notes, and create more intuitively.

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However, one detail worth noting is that if users use the Apple Pencil Pro to draw, they can see the shadow of the brush.

The person in charge of human-computer interaction at Apple, Steve Lemay, explained the reason behind this creative idea. Doing so is not only for the sake of beauty, but more importantly, to give the user a sense of immersion, making them really believe that they are writing and drawing on a piece of paper.

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Lemay said that adding haptic feedback to the Apple Pencil Pro, the most difficult thing is to rethink the entire architecture of the stylus and adjust the design plan of the iPad Pro. They have repeatedly deliberated over multiple design plans and finally completed it in the cooperation. TapTechNews provides the demonstration video as follows:
