Sichuan Province Promotes Large-Scale Equipment Replacement and Old-for-New Plan

TapTechNews website user Yu Linn's clues! TapTechNews May 13 news, the Sichuan provincial government recently issued the Sichuan Province Promotes Large-Scale Equipment Replacement and Old-for-New Implementation Plan, which proposes that by 2027, the amount of scrapped cars recycled in Sichuan Province will double compared to 2023, the volume of used car transactions will increase by 50% compared to 2023, and the amount of waste household appliances recovered will increase by 35% compared to 2023. In addition, the plan focuses on three categories of products, including cars, home appliances, and home furnishing consumer goods. Regarding cars, it will coordinate with car manufacturers, new and used car sales companies, financial institutions, etc., to carry out promotional activities for trading in old cars for new ones. At the same time, measures such as scientifically delineating restricted areas, strengthening road inspections, and regular emission testing methods will be taken to accelerate the phasing out of old vehicles. According to TapTechNews, yesterday, the China Automobile Dealers Association disclosed the data on the national used car market transaction volume in April 2024. After experiencing a small peak in March, there was a certain degree of fluctuation in April. Last month, the national used car market transaction volume was 1.679 million units, a month-on-month decrease of 1.83%, a year-on-year increase of 14.68%, and the transaction amount was 111.099 billion yuan.
