China Successfully Launches Experimental-23 Satellite Using Long March-4C Rocket

TapTechNews has learned from CCTV News that on May 12 at 7:43 AM Beijing time, China successfully launched the Experimental-23 satellite into orbit using the Long March-4C carrier rocket at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The satellite, designed for space environment exploration, smoothly entered its intended orbit, marking the 522nd flight of the Long March series. The Long March-4C rocket, developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology, is a cryogenic three-stage carrier rocket with the capability of dual-launch. It is primarily used for launching Sun-synchronous orbit satellites. The rocket, with a total length of 47.977 meters and a liftoff mass of 249.2 tons, has a 2.8-ton capacity to Sun-synchronous orbit at 800 kilometers. The Long March-4C made its successful maiden flight on April 27, 2006, at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center.
