Spanish Animated Film 'The Dream of the Robots' to be Released in China

TapTechNews May 28th news, the Spanish animated film 'The Dream of the Robots' directed by Pablo Berger has officially announced the domestic release date of June 8th for the Dragon Boat Festival.

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The film premiered globally in the Special Screening Section of the 76th Cannes Film Festival on May 21, 2023, and was released in Spain on December 6, 2023. The official domestic trailer of the film was released today.

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The animated film 'The Dream of the Robots' has won the 'Best Animated Film' award at the 36th European Film Awards and was nominated for the Best Animated Feature at the 96th Academy Awards. TapTechNews attaches the following official introduction:

There was a time when you and I were the only ones for each other, meeting, accompanying, and spending beautiful moments together. Even if parting and missing are inevitable, at least we jointly own the exclusive memory of a song. Will those who are repeatedly dreamed of meet again?

It is worth noting that 'The Dream of the Robots' is a silent animated film without any verbal dialogue.
