Baidu's New Public Relations Head Is Confirmed As Jiang Xinjie

TapTechNews August 9th news, after Qu Jing, the former vice president of public relations of Baidu, left due to controversial remarks in short videos, San Yan Technology said that Jiang Xinjie, the former vice president of public relations of 360 Group, will join Baidu.

In response, Baidu officially responded to Beijing Business Daily that it is true. Jiang Xinjie has already arrived at the post and will serve as the head of Baidu's public relations and report to Liang Zhixiang, the senior vice president of Baidu Group.

TapTechNews queried the information and learned that Jiang Xinjie is from Nanjing, Jiangsu. In 2001, he became famous with the college entrance examination full-score composition 'The Death of Red Hare', and then was admitted to Nanjing Normal University. After graduation, he joined China Youth Daily and wrote many investigative articles. He has held positions such as the head of public relations in several Internet enterprises.

Related reading:

'It is reported that Baidu's new public relations No. 1 position is confirmed as Jiang Xinjie: Once became famous with the college entrance examination full-score composition 'The Death of Red Hare' in 2001.'
